Whisk’d Vegan Pancakes with Oat Milk

The standard pancake mix recipe always seems to call for eggs and milk, including our own. But did you know there is a very easy way to make your Whisk’d pancakes vegan? Forget the eggs, milk or oil. Just add some mix to your favorite milk substitute, and your pancakes will still taste fantastic.

You might wonder what the right ratio is. We’ve found that with soy and almond milk, 1 cup mix + 1 cup milk turns out pretty well. But what about the milk of the moment, oat milk? That wonderful mylk rich in vitamin B and high in fiber? Not surprisingly, Whisk’d pancakes made with oat milk taste great. Add one cup oat milk to 1.5 cups of mix (oat milk tends to be a little thinner than other mylks, so you need a tad more pancake mix to thicken the batter), and voila, you’ll have the perfect batter that yields about 6-8 delicious oat milk vegan pancakes. And not a messy egg shell in sight! The texture will be slightly different without the eggs. It will be a little chewier, similar to eating into a mochi cake, but the flavors are still the same. If little kids don’t notice, and little kids can detect strange flavors a mile away, then you definitely won’t!


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